Quote Originally Posted by JoeP26 View Post
Any questions are great questions.

1, No. it will not cause any sort of physical dependency. It's no different than using the herbs or using creatine to boost DHT. Like CD recommends though, run it in cycles. I usually use it for a couple of weeks, drop it, then come back to it later. Sometimes I use it inconsistently as well, same as when you eat a variety of different foods through the course of a month. After all, Sorghum is just food. I started off boiling the grain in with a batch of brown rice as my source of carbs. But the extract will be more potent/effective.

2. Well, what we know is that methylation occurs at an epigenetic level on several genes within the P450 group. These are a string of genes that convert sex hormones to other hormones, starting from cholesterol. I've seen enough wide hormone panels of PFS guys to know that methylation is not exclusive to just SRD5A1 and 2 (that is the 5ar genes). It's much much wider. Everything in P450 can get messed up, since Fin and Dut are P450 substrates. So yes, the enzymes that make sex hormones across the board are "out of control", if you wanna out it that way.
My cholesterol skyrocketed this year. A few months after my fin usage I went from perfect levels to drastically high. I always assumed it was genetics, as it does run in the fam. Is it really far fetched to speculate that maybe not enough cholesterol is being transformed into other hormones, causing a surplus of cholesterol?

Lots of weird things happened with my blood values this year. My ferritin went from borderline high to 3 times the max range (could be hereditary or systemic inflammation), my thyroid went from normal to hypo to normal again. And now my kidneys are acting up.

Have a bio store next door and found some sorghum rice crackers. Bought a few packs and some grain to prepare myself. Tastes quite nice and its gluten free so its perfect for paleo and backloading.

I appreciate your drive to investigate and test, without descending into crazy theories. Hope you recover fully soon!