Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
I remember reading that thread because someone brought it up here and I read it. Maybe I’ll add it in every few days or so. It just makes my brain fog worse, it’s like thinking through jelly or a blanket.

I didn’t feel ultra hard at first. It didn’t smack me in the face the way Super R Andro did, it may take a bit for you to feel it. Or you might not at all, everyone is different. Ultra hard took a while for me to feel, then would switch back and forth between euphoria, feeling great, then back to feeling nothing, great, nothing. I also felt weaker during that cycle. You’re actually going to be stronger while running it, but it didn’t feel that way. Also make sure you’re supplementing potassium. Might be why you feel weak.
I would stick with the bacopa. I have no experience with the other herb so I can't, in good conscious recommend it. But if you're saying that it has the other compound in it, then what is the difference. You'll most likely experience the same effect seeing as that's the active compound.

Back down on the dose a bit if it's giving you issues. You should be cycling it as well. Not every few days.