This is an example of my current diet. It is basically geared at making muscular gains while keeping the fat down.

I training first thing in the morning so this is what it looks like with supps.

430am creatine HCL
445am Amino Infusion (may just switch to pepto pro though)
500am weight training
630am 1 serving MHP Up Your Mass in water
-2 Caps Fish oil
900am 2 Chicken Breasts, 1 mashed Yam (coconut oil, butter, cinnamon & Nutmeg)
Noon 1 Chicken breast 1 cup brown rice, veggies
- 2 Caps Fish oil
- 5000iu Vit D3
- 1 baby aspirin (Im an old guy)
300pm 6oz beef, veggies
600pm Dinner (what ever we have as a family) usually meat, carb, veggie
- 2 Caps Fish Oil
900pm Coconut Milk, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and scoop of Dramatize Elite Gourmet Protein (Strawberry & Cream)