Quote Originally Posted by markam View Post
Just wanted to mention that a while ago I asked Jake (Antaeus labs) about Aegis, and he advised not to continue using Aegis after the methyl prohormone cycle finished. I had previously thought it would be helpful to continue running Aegis for a few weeks but Jake said that it wasn't necessary or even desirable to do that. But as you've started Aegis later in your cycle after experiencing sides, I would suggest you email Jake and ask his advice. He's always been very helpful when I've had questions. The email address will be on the Antaeus website.
You sir, are spot on! Here is the reply I got today:
"Hi Tim,

Yeah, that's right. Please don't stay on Aegis for too long; use it only during your cycle, and stop taking Aegis as soon as your cycle is complete.

TUDCA/UDCA protect the liver very well from oral-anabolic-mediated cholestatic damage, but they're not entirely safe to take for extended periods of time. They modulate/suppress immune system function, they may slow down the body's metabolism, they may inhibit Coenzyme-A expression and function, and UDCA has been shown in clinical trials to be clearly toxic at high doses.

500mg/day is a fine dose, and it's healthy and beneficial to run that much TUDCA with your cycle for 4-6 weeks... But I couldn't recommend staying on the the stuff for much longer than that, nor would I ever recommend a dose larger than 750mg/day for 'preventative' purposes.

Thanks very much for the support! I'm happy to see that the product is working well for you! Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any more questions, or if there's anything else I might be able to help with.

Best Regards,

Its allways a good reflection on a product and a company when they are willing to respond to questions. And rather then try and get you to use up the product they tell you straight up and clearly of risks.

Thanks for pointing this out to me Markam!