I haven't been here in awhile, real long while.

I actually started Alpha Bulk and 5-Alpha Test a week ago. I am doing 6 caps of AB 2x a day instead of 3 caps. As for 5-Alpha I am doing 2 morning and 2 night instead of 3 spread through the day. Today I am going to throw in my DAA, I didn;t start right away with it because I want to have leftover to last just after the actual cycle its self to merge in with PCT.

I didn't weigh myself, I am just lifting and feeling for it. I can't say I have bench marks since I am not testing for PR's at all but I do notice the stuff working. The first thing I noticed was a little mental edge that may just be the B12 from 5-Alpha or the hormones too. Next thing is I am waking up earlier and more refreshed. Another thing about sleep is the content of my dreams seems younger if it makes sense. I'm 23 which isn't old but dream patterns remind me more of my teen years. Back than I had some memories between multiple REM cycles that would hit me at random moments through the day where as now I don't have that effect. Adds a little mystique to the day.

Recovery is improved. Without a doubt I can do the same with little or no doms through my progressive overload routine. I might be able to jump ahead of myself. Joints feel like they are feeling the effects of low estrogen from the 5-Alpha test. It is not a problem at this level but I do feel more hard cracks in my wrist while picking up and moving odd shape objects in and out of cars particularly on or the day after doing arms since my workout is wrist intensive so I'd consider this an exception before saying that this is drying me out.

Mentally I am more at ease which doesn't seem like what I want being too laid back sometimes, but oddly enough I am getting more social attention when usually my passiveness leaves me out of the loop. I need more time to analyze this effect but I think I might be experiencing this effect some people talk about, how people can smell the alpha from their sweat while on cycle and bishes be mirin.

This is my first time touching anything PH so it is new to me. This cycle is my feeler before I use my stash of AndroHard and AndroDrive I've been sitting on for over a year.