Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
Nutritionally, it would not hurt to start addressing this immediately. Vitamin D3 is a good place to start. While D3 is referred to as a vitamin, it is actually a steroid hormone (secosteroid). It has a lot of influence on hormonal production and is very important to your testosterone.

A high-quality tocotrienol supplement like Tococaps or Tocomin Supra Bio helps with things like LH sensitivity.

Although I, for whatever reason do not respond well to high doses of it and have to take a much lower dose, a Trans-Resveratrol supplement might be worth exploring.

And I may catch some flack for this, but I have some study data on it, but I am a big fan of Liftmode brand Tribulus. It is standardized at 90% steroidal saponins. When I take it, I notice a really nice leaning effect, better pumps and my libido increases. It also seems to cause some acne.

Most studies that show tribulus to have negligible impact on testosterone were done with extremely low or unknown standardizations. Most every supplement you'll find is only standardized at 20 to 45 percent. The liftmode is 90. It is available as a raw powder on Amazon.

None of these should be a detriment to any future physician's plan to put you back on track. For now I would steer clear of a DHT prohormone.
Great reply, FPR. I've started on 5000iu a day of Vit d3 and I've also been taking Jarrows Tocosorb in the mornings, I think I'll try a different brand when the bottle runs out though.
As for tribulus, I have some standardised at 45% steroidal soponins but I'm quite apprehensive about taking anything along those lines until I can lose a bit more of my body fat.

To give you an idea of the quality of medical care in my country, I've had to ask a friend to pull all of my bloodwork from my notes at the hospital as my GP refuses to allow me access to my bloodwork. It's disgusting and depressing. As of now I've been attempting to find a private doctor/endo/etc who's familiar with the situation but I've had very little success even finding a Doctor who's willing to acknowledge it's a possibility so far.

Again, you've all got a solemn promise from me that I'll be leaving the DHT prohormones very much alone until the distant future.
