Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
I've just realise you were using DHT based compounds and aromasin as well so, your sex hormones and hormones were altered
and we cant know your baseline levels, and some tests look skewed- for example free test and biovailable test
and your SHBG is still high, but could be lot higher especially as you used DHT based compound and aromasin- and they both lower SHBG

your vitamin d is low definitely, (which explaines why phosphorus in lower side)

and looks like you are indeed hypothyroid

regarding cortisol- we dont know if your transcortin is low or tot cortisol is low or both, but also your circadiam rhytm is not taken in account and time of tests so it makes it a bit inconclusive

Male GFR 82 (>60) this is percentage of with how much of its capacity kidneys are working and yours are working quite a lot, uric acid also at hiher level- not sure why is that could be heavy exercise + DHT compounds
all other figures look ok,

glucose is bit low, which can be for number of reasons- low cortisol likely candidate, signs of prediabetes etc...

low in white blood cells, that is bit worrying and it makes you more exposed to infections etc... hopefully improving lifestyle would help here
Thanks for the feedback! - Do you believe that within a month, I can get a more accurate base line reading? Or should I wait 2 months? How serious of a condition is that for my kidneys?