Quote Originally Posted by Snell1234 View Post

Started my cleanse. Taking two herbal formulas which go by the name of Parex and Bactrex.

Parex contains oregano oil, garlic, wormwood and lavender oil.
Bactrex contains oregano oil, thyme oil, clove oil and phellodendron.

I am also taking s. boulardii and lactobacillus plantarum twice a day to protect the good gut flora.

I'll be doing this cleanse for 2 to 4 weeks. I am looking at potentially adding in another herb in addition to the ones I'm taking.

I am taking colostrum here and there (ideally would like to take it throughout the cleanse but I feel the milk in it doesn't help me).

If this cleanse doesn't work, I'll have to do a water fast.

Also, have had to stop the gym for the last week and will probably have to take the next week off as I hurt my back last week.
Honestly, you're better off juice feasting. You can still take the other herbs you're running simultaneously.