Quote Originally Posted by Ridd View Post
I've seen it being recommended on how to cycle multiple herbs, but I haven't seen any good info on cycling just one or two herbs.

I've been using a couple tablespoons of pine pollen powder every day for the last 5-6 weeks and I've had some amazing results that are starting to taper off.

Physically and mentally I feel at about 95%, 100% if I get my lifestyle perfect. I actually feel better than pre-sp just because I didn't notice how shitty I felt all the time, but I'd say I'm close to baseline physically/mentally/emotionally but sexually I still hover around 70-90% (closer to 90 the last month and a half due to ppp.)

Usually i'll wake up with solid morning wood and be able to pop a stiffy any time of day, but that's tapering off and my libido is lowering, boners still in good shape though.

Just curious how I could cycle ppp to properly get the most out of it. I have some tribulus on the way that I will do the same with if it is recommended.

Honeslty, if I can get just a couple herbs in rotation that gets my libido up a bit more than I would be at 95% recovered, which may be as good as it gets for a while. I'm hesitatant to stick a bunch of supps down my throat just yet and I'd much rather see what works and take it slow.


By the way, throw your pine pollen powder in some applesauce and that shit is delicious. (and way easier than any other way I've seen.)
You don't cycle with one or two herbs. CD's protocol recommends up to 20 if it is possible for you as with PFS we adapt to treatments quickly. The herb cycling stops us from building a tolerance to any one given herb.

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