Quote Originally Posted by biatch View Post
I took a pause from cycling herbs for around 1 month and taking any supplement, (just something here and there without a real reason), just because my istinct told me to do so.
In the mean time I had new blood tests and differently from my last one, where everything were so f**** Low....now: testosterone raised up, free testosterone raised, estrogens that were at zero raised as well... so herbs made a good/great job.
I am now ready to start back herbs and cycling again, I want to see how they work now on me and than I think I could be read to run my R andro cycle.
By the way I feel way better since I started the route but I still have really bad days, but also good days that before were non existent..so I think I am going to the right direction.

Well, to be honest I had few days randomly where I was seriously thinking "shit I am seriously recovering/I am recovered but then up and down again...anyway there were different days were it was pretty high %, that's a good sign.
Glad to hear it man.