I’ve been ignoring this for sometime. I’ve been having a lot of gas that’s been smelling horrible. I don’t get it though, I really haven’t strayed from my diet. Here’s a typical day for me.

AM: eggs, bacon, salad, broccoli
Yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, pineapple

Lunch: tuna, eggs, mozzarella, salad, broccoli

Pre workout : shake from juice bar w/ spirulina.

Dinner: usually a steak or salmon with salad. Kefir.
Throw in fruits or nuts in between these meals randomly.

Really don’t get it.

Things like this are really frustrating. Is this type of thing holding me back or is it something I have to just work through & it will fix itself once I’m hormonally better? My concern is that me being gassy means that somethings up with my gut & it’s hindering progress.

I see after every cycle Bizzbee’s gut seemed to improve. I’m very confused. I’ve been on the straight & narrow throughout this.

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