Quote Originally Posted by wetaka View Post
Today it has been weird.My anhedonia flared up big time and the burst of libido that i got lowered severely through the day. Im experincing some pretty intense head preasure also along with headaches. Today i got to a 5 day mark without fin and took 0.07 at 12 pm.
I think i might be close to crashing.
meditate a lot and don't stress about it. I think most people being aware of pfs is what delved them into the crash. It often takes about 2 months to fully rid yourself of symptoms and sometimes it comes and goes. Don't freak yourself out over it. just do the majority of what you can on total male optimization and nurture yourself. I think that if most guys destressed and didn't fear crashing they might not have. The week before I crashed I was freaking out over crashing. I feel like if I really chilled the fuck out I might've been okay.