Quote Originally Posted by Brazilianguy View Post
I talked to the guy for hours on Skype, he was thinking about injecting testosterone, and between testosterone and HCG, the second is less harmful. About ssri. Fausto is taking it and said that he really need it because it was hard to avoid suicidal thoughts.

I don’t remember but I think he did 10 days water fast, he tried coffee enemas, which I back him off. I’m not being unethical, I like the guy, I talked to him everyday and I was telling him everyday to do hiit and exercises.

First thing I said to him was to start doing hiit and exercises and check how his body would react after a couple days at gym. He was worried about getting a high quality herb because he couldn’t get from lost empire because his country would basically stop it in the mail, so I said that he could buy high quality in his country, I also said that it would be a good ideia to test each herb first, because I had bad reaction with panax ginseng and saw some guys getting bad reactions from ashwaghanda.

I basically said everything that is on totalmaleoptimization and said that coffee enemas and liver flush are not good for him. I only said about HCG because he was thinking about TRT once and ssri because he was too desperate and between his life and taking a little bit more to recover I would prefer to say take the medication if you feel that it would help you (but I said it was counterproductive and would be better to take cold showers and exercises to release endorphins)

I had depression with clomid, suicidal thoughts but I new it was from low estrogen (his estradiol is too low and it’s the root of his depression) and I told him that it would go away as soon as his T:E improve.
1.) Panax ginseng is NOT suggested for rotation or on the protocol. Please quit talking about it. I used it early on in my recovery and it didn’t help me, basically hurt me.

2.) What is wrong with coffee enemas? In what fucked up sense of mind could you say to someone “nah, man - coffee in the anus is too dangerous. Better start with some HCG or SSRIs.

3.) See #2. What is wrong with Liver Flush? Both of these items I could see CD adding to the protocol because they are both.....wait for it.....FANTASTIC for OVERALL health.

Honestly man, you have been at this for years to no avail. At what point do you consider, I don’t know, following a set blueprint for one whole year and being done with it. No HCG, SSRIs, Clomid, panax ginseng.....just what is recommended here.