
I didnt stay on CD's protocol up until 2 months ago with some tweeks. In part because I was too busy with university and in part due to my difficult symptoms, especially what I recently only realized was bone loss.

I ended up at another forum for a while gathering whatever ideas I could to help me on this journey. It was of some benefit but I'm back here again for good reason.

Now years later I have to admit CD's regimen is probably our best bet. I struggled alot to trust and do the work due to my pain/mental state, the few herb doses not "working" when i started out here at SS, and also being discouraged by guys that jump on here calling him "CT". Hahaha.

Sorry CD, it is a bit funny.

I've been on an upswing as of late.
And I mean ONLY the past 2 months.
Yes, the struggle has been real and the deterioration of myself caught me by surprise.

I SHOULD HAVE STUCK WITH THE PROTOCOL. I put it in caps because thinking that things will get better on its own was stupid, thinking it wasnt so bad was stupid and ignoring it all to focus on studies and work was stupid. Because the crash creeps up on you and doesnt stop making you worse until YOU DO THE WORK. Money and studies dont bring your body back and dont prevent it from getting worse. So get your priority straight. We only get one vessel.

If i could go back, I would have gotten the largest loan possible to keep me afloat for atleast a year and mad the regimen my one purpose in life. Sounds crazy and unbelievable but EVERY second counts. So I hope those of you lurking or questioning will get with the program as soon as youre done reading this chapter of Hulks journey.

In the past:

1. The herbs didnt work at first, or I atleast felt nothing.
2. I kept eating a moderately healthy diet but not on the level needed for recovery
3. I kept questioning everything about the protocol and whats the best approach and this receptor and that hormone blah blah blah
4. I put recovery on the shelf for later
(dont make my mistake)
5. I researched and learned alot (shouldve also been doing the protocol)


1. Its been about 2 months following the regimen 90%
2. Only 3 herbs are in rotation (financial reasons)
3. Mineral drops and collagen and taken daily mostly to improve my bone situation.
4. B vitamin complex and folate are also my additions. Help with metabolism in cells, organs etc.
5. Muscle, strength, mood, energy, focus, bone issues are all improving in leaps and bounds. I'd say I'm at 70%-80% improved in all of those compared to just 2 or 3 months ago.

Some issues still have yet to clear up or improve such as sexual, tinnitus, sleep, shin splints, newly developed stomach ulcer(s) etc...

My recent improvements are progress that I wasnt getting before. It just took a while for the engine to start again.
First month was slow and non eventful and then it just started happening.
Was it the added tweaks? They probably helped, but its doing everything daily as a routine that makes it work.

I'll post about my bone issues and my methods to recover that specifically when I get a chance.

Good to be back,

Hulk Smash