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  1. #11
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemy View Post
    Well all I can say is that if it were me and didn't see any improvements despite efforts with diet and working out, I'd stop to reassess and go back to the basics. And by that I mean stripping everything back down through fasting like what I suggest before.

    Because you could be confusing/overloading your body with too many different supplements, food type combinations that don't mix that is holding you back.

    For example with myself, several months back I thought my diet was excellent, I was eating loads of superfoods, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, smoothies, staying away from diary, grains and limiting my meat consumption.

    I found out I was making myself worse through consuming too much indigestible fibres through the beans, lentils along with not soaking the nuts and seeds so wasn't getting any of the enzymes. Then I was getting Too much sugar with the fruits and not eating enough lean grass fed meats.

    This is why I kept on getting horrible skin rashes, diarrhoea and brain fog wasn't improving only at the times I fasted.

    Since I stripped my diet down to predominately paleo keto based, with lots of eggs, meats, cruciferous vegatebles, fruit on it's own as a mono meal on carb loading days, bone broth and raw milk kefir even (though I'm lactose intolorent I can tolorent it raw), no more stomach problems and I'm noticing now finally my psoriasis is clearing up which I've had a problem with for years, so now I know my gut is finally healing up and the best thing is now is that my diet is no longer complicated since like you i don't like to overthink and hate preparation, I just make sure I eat good proteins and fats combination meals and 2 cups worth of vegetables for the day.

    The only vitamins I take are vitamin D, B complex and some pro and pre biotics. The essential minerals I get from high quality organ meats.

    But yeah I would strongly suggest like the other poster suggested to fast for some days, clean your body and decide on one particular anti inflammatory diet to stick to that is going to help with your gut and decide on what protocol you what to do

    I even do maintenance fasts, so I try to have one at least once a week or one every 2weeks with intermittent fasting and you be surprised how good it makes you feel since it's important to give your body especially the gut and liver a break from having to process foods and supplements which can be very taxing on the system.
    Interesting, thanks. Are you sure that eating fruit or drinking juice makes you worse? I followed peat diet strictly for years (lots of juice, milk, and coffee) and along with taking some hormones I was able to think a lot sharper (though never cured). Do you think the sugar feeds bacteria in the gut to cause inflammation? Is it too much of a burden on the liver? I want to understand the reason sugar is inflammatory.

    On your previous diet you were eating legumes, starches, etc, which are known to be inflammatory. The fiber and starch itself can irritate the gut and cause endotoxin and bacteria to form. So maybe on this previous diet it was this and not the juices/sugars which were the problem?

    Also it is funny you are able to tolerate raw dairy yet are lactose intolerant. Raw milk still has lactose, so maybe it is not that which is a problem for you, but the casein. I know some people ahve problems with A1 milk but are fine on A2. Personally, sometimes I react perfectly fine to milk and feel like it is nourishing me and keeping me warm, other times I get stomach cramps and loose stools. It is hit or miss, so I figure I better err on the safe side and stay away from it for the most part.
    Last edited by slader1; 01-16-2020 at 02:13 AM.

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