Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
It was brutal. No hope, no other avenues of escape. Things were very dark. Gratitude has a way of bringing more good things into your life, which is why I always tell the new guys to be thankful they have this option. That being said I have to stop getting attached to the outcome of these guys here because when they stray, and don't do the right things, it really hits a nerve in me for some reason. I know it shouldn't, but it does.

There was a guy who started out here after crashing and I know he is now going the TRT route after me talking to him until I was blue in the face. Like, what's the point of all that time and effort? Nothing. TRT is not the answer to this, we know it, everyone else knows it, but he thinks he's going to be different for some reason.

I'm glad your thankful. I'm thankful to the guys that stick to the program and recover. You'll be one of them if you continue on the correct path.

When you say stray, you mean drastic changes right? For example, I binned chlorella and spirulina because after multiple attempts, they just do me more harm than good. So I supplement magnesium, Vit D3 and Vit B complex and get nutrients from food. So I’m following the protocol to the best my body will allow, would you consider that straying?

Also, any tips or advice for vitamin supplementation for those who can’t take chlorella/spirulina?