Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
If you want to take this to the next level, do your beathing exercises after you taken a hit or two of some good MJ. You'll feel bliss unlike anything you've felt before. And yes, there can be a very stressful, anxiety ridden mental detox process after you do these exercises. Sometimes they can be TOO intense. If that's the case, stop and go for a couple mile walk. If you have alot pushed down their you may have to take several days, sometimes weeks to "unbury" what is blocked down there.

When I had my first real release, I cried like baby for a good ten minutes. Not just cried, fucking balled like a child having a tantrum. After it was over, I was exhausted, physically and mentally, but I could feel in my core that I was going in the right direction. You'll know, believe me, you'll feel it in your soul.

Keep going man. You're moving along just fine. Just make sure you're alone when you have these releases......lol
I cried like a bitch last night for no reason, come to think it was the first time I’ve done breathing exercises in months, lol. I never cry, I lack emotion. Even before this I never cried much. Funny, that must have been it haha.

By the way, a few weeks ago I was feeling amazing and stumbled on propeciahelp, it’s funny browsing that site when you feel “normal” as opposed to when you crash. Night and day difference. But I read some of your old posts, it’s funny the difference in your tone of voice. Back in like 2009 you could tell you were scared and desperate, asking other sufferers if they feel this or that. The comparison to then and now is crazy. Also, that place is a complete shit hole. I never visited it again after finding swole source, I even forgot this whole thing was because finesteride honestly, it’s more like “I feel messed up so I need to do this stuff in order to feel better” while a bunch of other people cheer you on, as opposed to people crying about how their life is over. What a mess.

Ok end rant haha