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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    Aug 2019
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    Decided to take a couple weeks off the herbs. I’ll begin them again in about a week. I’ve noticed in the past couple months, my thoughts and memory are returning. I no longer feel like I’m walking around with dementia or like I’m lost. I have thoughts and a sense of where I am/what day it is and I have good memory again. My vision is still fucked but when you have your thoughts, it makes it less intimidating. Hopefully it stays this way but I’ll probably fluctuate up and down more in the coming future.

    I recently added vitamin A and vitamin E, and C about twice a week and saw immediate improvements in cognition. Their fat soluble so don’t overdo them. Also breathing exercises had a direct impact on brain fog. My theory is that CO2 buildup due to anxious breathing has something to do with cognitive decline. I also don’t overdo the breathing because it can cause me DP/DR, surprisingly enough you see this a lot in people who do yoga. Yoga breathing allows you to enter parts of yourself you weren’t able to access before, some call it a kundalini awakening and it can be frightening if you are unaware of it. I’m sure there’s a scientific explanation for it, probably your body being able to access new parts of itself it wasn’t able to before you loaded it with oxygen. I felt like I could sense people’s energy and I sometimes had issues recognizing people I knew forever. Weird stuff.

    My thoughts and memory aren’t super fluid yet or anything, but it’s a start. I used to have absolutely zero memories of my life and couldn’t picture things in my head. Now I can remember times I had with my friends, I remember my childhood, I remember the marines, I remember who I am basically. I didn’t use to be able to conversation, now I can tel stories in detail and explain myself how I used to. Also, my recent past few months has given me a gut feeling that your body can recover itself from nearly anything, I truly believe that PFS will heal itself eventually, but everything we are doing is going to speed up that process exponentially. I truly don’t believe any of us will be 30 years down the road thinking “wow I can’t believe I took a hair loss pill and my life is fucked” I guarantee this will be a distant memory by then.

    I’ve noticed that progress comes at a snails pace. I’m hoping to be recovered of al symptoms by the time I’m 30, I’m currently 26. But I believe I got hit harder than most with this.

    My erections and libido have been pretty solid too. I’ve never cared about that aspect of PFS tho, I’ve always been so slammed with mental sides to care if my dick works. But hey I’ll take it.

    Side note: 8 months sober today. Let’s goooo!
    Last edited by Turnover25; 05-18-2020 at 04:33 PM.

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