It’s been about twice as long as normal since my last update, because of the shutdown. My gym is closed, and my home workouts are vastly inferior to what I was able to do in the gym. The routine of going right after work was also very helpful.

I’ve noticed that in the last 3 or so weeks, my libido has been way up. Not back to pre-fin, but closer. I was a lot younger pre-fin, so who knows if I’ll actually be able to get back to that level, ever, but we’ll see. At my oldest pre-fin age, 26, I would feel a huge amount of urgency after 1 or 2 days of abstinance - to the point where it was incredibly distracting. I have felt the old libido come back a few times on vacations, and randomly during the protocol, but only for about a week at a time. So, maybe I do still have that in me? I hope I have something at least vaguely close to it. I feel like things are moving in that direction.

I wake up with morning wood most days now, and I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me. I feel like a man again. It’s usually not 10/10, but at least a solid 7 or 8 / 10.

My ability to feel an orgasm has improved a bit from baseline, but it's still far from normal the vast majority of the time. That was my worst side effect, and it’s still the biggest area where I need improvement.

I bought the prohormones, and I’m eager to start using them (which I should have way earlier) but with my workouts not being very effective, I feel like I shouldn’t. I feel like I’m supposed to have a more normal, more intense workout regimine in place for about 2 months before using them, and I’m not sure if using them now would be a mistake. On the other hand, I don’t know when the gyms are going to reopen, and I want to get going with it.

I’m gearing up to leave my job in July or August, to finally open my bankruptcy law firm. (I have been doing volunteer cases, so I know what I’m doing.) My current job is way below my skill levels, and pays way less than what I deserve to earn. I didn’t graduate law school to be working with high school grads, earning a third or a quarter of what my former classmates earn. Oh well, life happens.

Some of my law school classmates are dead. Several of my high school classmates didn’t make it to 30. My poor first girlfriend didn’t even make it to 28! (Boat accident with her uncle in Florida.) It could be a lot worse. And I had to deal with a lot of struggles (not just PFS) that the people I unfairly compare myself to did not have to deal with. George Foreman has said “If it ain’t positive, I didn’t hear it,” and that’s my mantra right now. Good things are on the way.