Quote Originally Posted by Comewhatmay View Post
Just to update you unfortunately I have cut my water fast after just two days. Not feeling well at all and considering I have recently come off ramadan and was probably in a calorie deficit which could have cause issues. I have decided to go again in 2-3 weeks

I'm extremely angry with myself especially as I want this whole pfs episode behind me ASAP and see this as 2 weeks added to my recovery time especially as my face is seemingly getting more compact and smaller it seems

Also my sleep (which has been a stable 7h minimum for 2 weeks) has gone to shit yesterday managed 3h and today 5h and this has a huge knock on effect I have noticed on my mood and energy levels and also my voice.

As I cannot really progress without cleansing I am still trying to do productive things to at least feel like I've gained knowledge. No lie I think I may have read everyone thread here and certain relatable ones numerous times and I notice this happens way more during downswing and tbh it can be slightly obsessive and addictive which can definetely too much if that makes sense. I mean I will literally put my phone down for 2 minutes then go back on and look at another random thread ive already seen 5x.

Also have a current stash of 12 herbs all of CD's recommended list and majority from LEH. So will purchase at least two more to make it a two week cycle. Only issue that worries me with exercise is it does seem to spike cortisol levels to the point where I struggle to sleep so I will work out early in the morning and hope that does the trick as with my last attempt at exercising I had 2 bad sleeping nights because of it.

Symptom wise it seems to be the case that recoveries tend to start with mental issues then physical issues then finally sexual issues. I've also wondered with prohormones if there was a time scale on how much quicker they would take to get you to 100%. I mean looking at certain threads especially those that didn't want to use them you did get a vibe that they were not consistent with the regiment enough and almost gave in to the PH whereas if they were as consistent as when they first started they would have reached recovery without them like English and Jimmyjonas and not that there is anything wrong with using them I would just avoid it personally.
It's funny I say this but once I reach 80-85% I'd like to think I'd still be 100% on the protocol and use days like today as motivation the keep moving forward until the day comes where I just realise I'm recovered

Hey man, first off, good attitude toward everything. Saying things like "once I reach 85%" is great, a positive mindset is going to be your best friend and it's the best part of this forum. Something I can relate to, since I actually suffered from OCD before PFS, don't keep re-reading posts during downswings or whatever, get out and live your life. Constantly checking is your minds way of "seeking relief" and it becomes addicting because your brain will release feel good chemicals once you have "convinced" yourself. This becomes addicting, feeds anxiety and can actually develop into OCD or something else. I notice this a lot within the PFS community since I've suffered it my whole life, I make it a point not to fact check constantly, meditation is also key.

Also, don't sweat the water fast, I had a few times where I went 2 days and cut it, but eventually did a 5 day water fast and a 7 day juice feast, and my symptoms all flared up miserably around day 2-4. I was experiencing severe derealization, brain fog, anxiety, light sensitivity, it was miserable, but it all went away after I introduced food again, so don't be too afraid of the fast, you'll feel better after.