Hey all,

Another update for you.

Any issues I had two weeks ago aren't around anymore. I got some heavy lifting resistance bands and they've definitely helped. I still considered myself recovered as I:

1. Have total mental clarity
2. Zero depression
3. Can get and hold erections just fine
4. Total sensitivity downstairs
5. All those other symptoms are pretty much non-existent

However, I do have two lingering issues which I find kind of annoying and I was wondering if anyone had any insight:

1. Lack of libido (only sometimes, though)
2. Occasional pain in my prostate area.

That second one is the more annoying one. I don't have to pee all the time or have any other symptoms of other prostate problems. No blood in my urine or anything like that. Just an ache. Somedays I'm fine, somedays it's annoying. Prostate massages definitely help, and for some reason it doesn't hurt at all when I'm hard or having sex.

I will say it's definitely around less than it used to be. I'm hoping one more cycle of prohormones will clear this lingering issue, as last time I did them everything down there felt fantastic. However, I was wondering if anyone had any experience on this front.

As I said, everything else is pretty much tip top. I just wanna clear this one last issue up because my father had prostate issues later in life and it's generally annoying. So any advice would be awesome!
