Quote Originally Posted by JoeP26 View Post
Sorry for the long wait. I haven't looked into that but my local Empower does have them and I have a kick ass doctor that will be open to pretty much any sort of rational experimentation. He knows what I've been through. And yes. I was on a stack of bioidentical Testosterone and low dose Andro Hard. The cycle ended yesterday. I'm going to have a one week withdrawal period and then we're going to see where my baseline is via labs. My testes are normal sized so I know I'm likely not shutdown. If all looks good we're going to go hard at restoring the 5ar type 1/Allopregnanolone pathway and fixing up more neurotransmitters we just had tested.
Interesting, so you ran a PH cycle stacked with TRT. How did that workout for you? Do you see any downsides by optimizing hormones with bioidentical testosterone while recovering from PFS? It seems like it would be only of benefit by putting the body in that much better of a position to recover along with doing everything else right/protocol.

I imagine protocol (healthy-ass-living) and fine-tuning of supplementation is the best way to raise those neurotransmitters.