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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by RebelWithACause View Post
    Thanks man. Your posts and attitude inspired me. Same for guys like Maxout, bizzbee and some other guys who recovered on here. Also Chi was a big inspiration to get this shit over with and push to the limits. Plus the guys on Hackstasis forums gave me inspiration too. They are all good guys. We were bitching sometimes to each other but most people on Hackstasis are/were top notch dudes, you can tell. But just struggling with this shit. I see the same here. Bunch of good dudes but sometimes PFS fucks with your head when you are in it.

    And also I cannot thank gbol/Helen enough. I saw some people criticising him on other forums. But in my opinion he is on a next level. Harder to understand but when you do, even if it is a % you will see that he has some genius insights. Would be cool to talk to him once in a while. But I get it if he is doing other stuff. He was busy AFAIK.

    I can post an official post on here if you want but I have posted two posts now about recovery. I think I do not have much more info left to give to PFS guys. Plus I have not followed your protocol to a T. So I am not sure if you want my story in that section. Although of course a lot of overlaps and I definitely used things from your protocol. If you want me to I will do it.
    I'm really pumped for you man. You kept on going. That's what I said from the start- my first novel I wrote there in October 2017 lol.

    I'm pretty bummed out that forum is gone. Like, we were novices to the health game for a long time there and certainly are still students. We all are in the health world. But now sometimes recently, if I want to search for something in the hackstasis search engine- I'll find something Helen wrote and now I understand it. Back then, I'd be clueless but here we are 3-4 years later and suddenly most of what he writes makes sense to me.

    Its shocking to me that I can read it now. Because back then I was completely lost... WHILE his stuff was helping me incredibly. I just had no idea why, what, where, how. Now looking back I understand it.

    Recently, just his emphasis on NAPDH has helped me so much. Focusing on that cycle has helped me piece a bit together about whats going on with me. I've known that NADPH oxidase has been upregulated the last several months and really dating back to mid 2020 when I fell apart again. The last month it got psychotic. Come to find out I just received mold testing back... crazy elevation of gliotoxin in my urine which upregulates NADPH.

    It's looking like antibiotic damage in 2019 combined with girlfriend's old moldy apartment led to this. But huge finding as it seems pretty easy to treat, already feeling a bit better a day into treating it.

    I really hope Tubzy can give us access to that forum. You gotta understand. I wrote there 4 years straight every single week just like you @Rebel. It feels like our whole stories we told as we've battled is freaking lost just gone. No proof of it anywhere.

    I always wanted to be like Cdsnuts and be able to have that journal somewhere to read when I get better. I always thought it must be so cool being CD, being chi, maxout, english, amongst others who can go back and read their experience. AND be like "I'M THAT FUCKING DUDE. I DID THAT. YA THATS ME." And I felt that way in 2018 when I was nearly recovered. Just going back and reading my log in from late 2017 through mid 2018 made me feel proud when I was doing so well.

    I hope we can get hackstasis back up somehow, someway. I know we have people that are willing to donate- me being one of them.

    Tubzy, I'm here whenever you wanna talk man where ever you are. Also, at very least would like to get the file of the site back up so I can at least get some stuff out of there that I'd like to have.

    That is all!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruschi11 View Post
    I'm really pumped for you man. You kept on going. That's what I said from the start- my first novel I wrote there in October 2017 lol.

    I'm pretty bummed out that forum is gone. Like, we were novices to the health game for a long time there and certainly are still students. We all are in the health world. But now sometimes recently, if I want to search for something in the hackstasis search engine- I'll find something Helen wrote and now I understand it. Back then, I'd be clueless but here we are 3-4 years later and suddenly most of what he writes makes sense to me.

    Its shocking to me that I can read it now. Because back then I was completely lost... WHILE his stuff was helping me incredibly. I just had no idea why, what, where, how. Now looking back I understand it.

    Recently, just his emphasis on NAPDH has helped me so much. Focusing on that cycle has helped me piece a bit together about whats going on with me. I've known that NADPH oxidase has been upregulated the last several months and really dating back to mid 2020 when I fell apart again. The last month it got psychotic. Come to find out I just received mold testing back... crazy elevation of gliotoxin in my urine which upregulates NADPH.

    It's looking like antibiotic damage in 2019 combined with girlfriend's old moldy apartment led to this. But huge finding as it seems pretty easy to treat, already feeling a bit better a day into treating it.

    I really hope Tubzy can give us access to that forum. You gotta understand. I wrote there 4 years straight every single week just like you @Rebel. It feels like our whole stories we told as we've battled is freaking lost just gone. No proof of it anywhere.

    I always wanted to be like Cdsnuts and be able to have that journal somewhere to read when I get better. I always thought it must be so cool being CD, being chi, maxout, english, amongst others who can go back and read their experience. AND be like "I'M THAT FUCKING DUDE. I DID THAT. YA THATS ME." And I felt that way in 2018 when I was nearly recovered. Just going back and reading my log in from late 2017 through mid 2018 made me feel proud when I was doing so well.

    I hope we can get hackstasis back up somehow, someway. I know we have people that are willing to donate- me being one of them.

    Tubzy, I'm here whenever you wanna talk man where ever you are. Also, at very least would like to get the file of the site back up so I can at least get some stuff out of there that I'd like to have.

    That is all!
    True. Personaliy I dont care too much about the journal I wrote a lot of BS in there LOL. But I understand your point. I am willing to donate as well, just for showing some gratitude.

    Are you close to getting better bruschi? I hope you will get there soon. You deserve it. Personally I went too far sometimes with the supps. Make sure you dont go/fall into that shithole. It took me a while to realise.

    I wonder where doomgirl, mbax44 and supernature went haha. If one of you read this I love you no hard feelings.

    Recovery from PFS is a damn ride for sure. Insane how bad life can get. Like going through hell. But you know what now I look back at it as a battle worth fighting. It really is.
    Last edited by RebelWithACause; 08-24-2021 at 02:07 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RebelWithACause View Post
    True. Personaliy I dont care too much about the journal I wrote a lot of BS in there LOL. But I understand your point. I am willing to donate as well, just for showing some gratitude.

    Are you close to getting better bruschi? I hope you will get there soon. You deserve it. Personally I went too far sometimes with the supps. Make sure you dont go/fall into that shithole. It took me a while to realise.

    I wonder where doomgirl, mbax44 and supernature went haha. If one of you read this I love you no hard feelings.

    Recovery from PFS is a damn ride for sure. Insane how bad life can get. Like going through hell. But you know what now I look back at it as a battle worth fighting. It really is.

    Am I getting close to better? Man I'm lucky to be alive right now the way things have gone the last month or so heck the last 15 months really. But at least it seems I'm finally getting another firm diagnosis like I did for mycoplasma in 2017. I think this could be the turning point I really need- I just got testing back showing severe elevation of mold mycotoxin called gliotoxin in my urine. Like 6x the range.

    Everything adds up as its removed via sulphation, zinc also helps prevents its biosynthesis. Focusing on sulphation (b2/molybdenum) were very helpful for a bit and I saw really good signs when I started a zinc/manganese/copper supp in low doses a month ago. Was finally capable of taking b1 again which has worked wonders when I can tolerate since this began. But did ozone a few times this last month- went from reacting well to the first to horrible the last one. I'm still recovering from it two weeks later.

    Lyme antibiotic in early 2019 was the big fuck up for me. May have destroyed my life forever if I don't come back from this. Killed my immune system, then spent a lot of time at girlfriends moldy apartment for the next 15 months until I got her to move out and we got a new place. Nutritional balancing was helping a lot- I just didn't know what the underlying issue was after Lyme. Then I crashed pretty severely late Spring of 2020. Made progress that Fall 2020 w/ fasting/nutritional balancing, fell apart again over Winter, made progress this past Spring/early Summer, fell apart again this past Month.

    If you do all the math.. it looks like something was certainly holding me back the last 2.5 years. And it appears we may have found the culprit. Just isn't fair all the time I've lost. I was really incredible the first Lyme/PFS recovery I made. As athletic, lean, happy, relaxed, witty, cool, calm, collected you name it. Sexually I was fine. Not perfect. But fine. Very minor cfs issues if I overdid it with physical activity, drinking back then.

    What sucks is this new diagnosis just isn't that simple. Its not like mycoplasma where a round of antibiotics, herbals/coffee enemas/liverflushing, fasting can save me. Luckily I've been basically treating mold the last 6 weeks now and have an understanding of the binders, nutrition, treatments to utilize. But I'm now in a weird form of fast oxidaiton, zinc deficient. Just isn't a place where I can fast right now either which just sucks.

    We will see. I was all bummed out when I got mycoplasma diagnosis in 2017. Then within 2-3 months I really started living my life again. 6 months later I was lean and waking up with crazy boners every morning. So I'm trying to perk up a bit. I think I can do this.

    Will say, my libido is mostly recovered. I was a guy with shrunken up balls stuck to my body, tiny dick, complete asexuality prior to my first recovery. Its nice to get that out of the way. But life is an incredible thing and I've been missing out on it for a long time now. I need it back so bad.

  4. #4
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    How did you recover the first time Brushii?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOPE View Post
    How did you recover the first time Brushii?
    I was legit bedridden for 6 months, was in a mental institution for 2 weeks, ready to kill myself. Couldn't survive without a strong antidepressant in me for those first 6 months of 2017 when I crashed from PFS. Finally got a crazy elevated mycoplasma (Lyme co-infection) in June 2017. One 25 day round of antibiotics got me on my feet. Still stayed on antidepressant, but was able to stop it after a month of natural medicine. Treated mycoplasma, lyme, co-infections with electric medicine, herbals, a 2 week juice fast, sauna, tons of coffee enemas, started liver flushing, topped it all off with a 21 day water fast that November and I was in a really good place CFS/ Lyme wise.

    Must mention exercise too. Once I really got on my feet that fall after that fast, I started running and lifting.

    I lived a miracle that year and although things haven't gone well since a year later when I relapsed then had antibiotic damage/mold it seems... you never stop going after you live something like that.

    I ended up really fixing most of my sexuality with an RU followed by progesterone cycle that December then followed that with electroltyes protocol/ zinc finger on hackstasis.

    I really don't know if anyone in world history went from so bad to so good in such a short time period lol. Then I have a relapse with Lyme around now 2018. 3 years later I have massive issues. I made mistakes, didn't treat the right things these last 3 years, had antibiotic damage, mold, somehow ended up with cyanobacteria in my gut. I'm hoping I'm really getting my break right now with this diagnosis.
    Last edited by bruschi11; 08-27-2021 at 03:03 PM.

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