Quote Originally Posted by Flapjack View Post
This is why this guy needs to go. Just propogating toxicity on the only oasis of positivity in the Post Finasteride Syndrome world. We should strive to be better here.
Oh, absolutely. That's what this forum was built on. Positivity and a way out. The problem is the cult mentality that's been developed here over the years and any sort of honesty about the reality of the situation is dismissed and regarded as "negativity". Anything other than improvement is simply not tolerated and it's comical, considering it's a rare condition that NOBODY has the answer to. I've done more for this community than most of you COMBINED apart from CD, Maxout, and those guys. I've fought tooth and nail over the past 3 years to improve my situation with one of the worst cases of PFS i've ever come across BY FAR. and still going to end up doing very well for myself, all things considered.