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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    That’s interesting. I always assumed PFS at its severe end was ”just” low T, low/no DHT, high E and progesterone, low to no neurosteroids and messed up GABA receptors, plus the severe gut issues some people get. But perhaps there’s more to it.

    And I appreciate the kind words! But honestly, I’m just a normal guy. Anyone can recover.

    And yeah, I’d imagine eating a healthy paleo diet with lots of antioxidant sources would be beneficial in my case. I pretty much eat whatever I want now because I’m recovered and want to enjoy my life after having PFS for two years. But I should probably get back to eating a healthier diet.

    It’s just that I’ve done a lot of research on mycotoxins in the past year and am aware of their toxic effects. Apparently ”toxic exposures” are a major cause of degenerative diseases e.g. ALS is known to cluster around heavily polluted environments, and many Vietnam veterans who had exposure to neurotoxic chemicals eventually got it.

    Trichothecenes in general are highly neurotoxic, can kill you, and T2 is the worst and most toxic of them all. It has even been used as a biological warfare agent by the Soviet Union back in the day. After my exposure I had a brain MRI and a spinal tap done cuz i thought i had MS. It showed nothing but from my research mycotoxins causing nerve damage or even mycotoxins causing ALS seem like possibilities. Thankfully I’m fine with absolutely no problems and in great health but I do worry about the future. But I guess living as healthily as possible and avoiding future exposures is the key here.

    Ignorance truly is bliss. It sucks that I researched so much about this stuff cuz now I can’t help but worry everytime I feel a bit clumsy lol
    I wouldnt worry too much about it man, although I can understand. I did a mold test 3 months ago and it showed borderline levels for ochratoxins. Probably because my liver is overloaded and can't process it.

    As long as you keep your body's detox pathways clear, that should prevent you from accumulating that crap. Eating vitamin B rich food to support your methylation and supporting your liver through liversupport/clean diet/low alcohol should go a long way. I haven't done them, but coffee enemas are amazing for the liver.

    If you want to support your body's detox, I would use a low dose of binder every day or every couple days. It's often used to treat mold toxicity. Bentonite clay, zeolite, takesumi or charcoal are all good options. It binds to toxins and takes some load off your liver.

    This is super specific to mold though, so I don't want new guys thinking it has anything to do with the protocol. If you have questions you can PM me, I read a shitload about that stuff in the last year, because my health seriously deteriorated and I had to cover all angles to get to a point where the protocol would work for me
    Last edited by Outlaw; 07-06-2022 at 01:24 PM. Reason: Forgot some shit

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