Quote Originally Posted by TubZy View Post
Not trying to be a dick, but spirulina is very high in GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) which is a potent DHT inhibitor. I bought spirulina at first then read about it and I just stay with chorella now instead. If you handle it fine, awesome, but I would personally stay away. See below:

Another source of DHT blockers is Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid (EFA) found mostly in plant-based oils such as evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, and borage oil. EFAs are necessary for healthy brain function, bone health, stimulation of skin and hair growth, and metabolism. GLA has been shown in studies to inhibit DHT-enhanced activity of 5 alpha-reductase. (4) In one study, animals treated with GLA had a noticeable effect on inhibiting 5 alpha-reductase type 2.(5) In the study, researchers investigating another compound that inhibited 5 alpha-reductase type 2 suggested this particular agent might be effective for fighting male pattern baldness.

5 alpha-reductase-catalyzed conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is increased in prostatic adenocarcinoma cells: suppression by 15-lip... - PubMed - NCBI

The extract of Thujae occidentalis semen inhibited 5alpha-reductase and androchronogenetic alopecia of B6CBAF1/j hybrid mouse. - PubMed - NCBI

GLA Is A Powerful DHT Inhibitor
I wouldn't take this as you trying to be a dick. Just trying to supply helpful information which here is always welcomed.

This supplement (which I actually consider a food moreso than a supplement) falls into the category of other natural substances whereby their other benefits FAR out weight any natural 5ar inhibition that they might have. I'm extremely sensitive to any 5ar inhibition as are most PFS guys....which is why we are PFS guys in the first place, right? I haven't noticed ANY negatives from this at all. None. As a matter of fact, anything that I have on my lists don't give me any negative effects at all either, otherwise they wouldn't be on the list in the first place. My list is based on my own experiences with usage over the past many years of experimentation. Obviously everyone's different when it comes to their constitutions and their genetic predispositions so care should be taken any time your start something new. But seeing as it's not an extract and it's in it's natural form, the chances of anything grave coming out of taking Spirulina are ridiculously low. So low in fact, I wouldn't bother worrying about it.

Thanks for the studies though, and welcome to the site.