Ok, thanks guys.
What I noticed yesterday: After dosing on the way to the gym(I took it with tribulus instead of caffeine because it was 2pm already) I felt a wave of calm, relaxed energy hit me. I felt positive and focused. I then had a decent workout(I did legs) and went back home. At home I felt overcome by sleepiness for a few minutes but after that passed I felt really calm and relaxed like I usually do after hitting the gym. I then ate and meditated. During meditation I was again very sleepy and almost drifted off to sleep. The rest of the day I felt calm and relaxed but nothing groundbreaking.
At night I fell asleep quickly but unfortunately woke up at 3am(with a strong nocturnal erection). I struggled to get back to sleep immediately and meditated again. I slept very lightly the rest of the night but woke up fairly well rested this morning nonetheless.