Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Like Jacknap had mentioned, training the posterior chain is LOADED with benefits hormonal and otherwise and it's usually something that is VERY under trained in most people, myself included. Now that summer is over and the need to have the beach body is diminished, Im focusing alot of energy on this portion of my training. it is literally the powerhouse of your whole muscular system.

You can train it in one way or another almost daily without burning out.
Dude! That is so true. I inadvertently found this out years ago. And certain posterior chain exercises, like the hip abductor machine, and a few others, yes you can literally do almost everyday without burning yourself out. Heavy squats obviously would not be wise to do everyday or close to that, as that would be overkill. you feel the positive hormonal affects immediately afterwards, and as youre walking out of the gym. And you would develop your posterior chain, and start getting more attention from women.