Why don't you just follow the protocol which addresses all the common symptoms we are going through on a cellular level?

Sounds as if you are determined to go the long way round and put yourself through needless hurdles. I mean putting on weight before you decide to fast? Lol Come on man you know that is madness, you are going to lose it anyway but you will see how easy it is to gain it back and then some after the body is reset and ultra responsive to what you train it to.

Don't let your ego trick you into believing that it knows best when it comes to these things.

The protocol is a universal application to healing the body for those who either wish to reach optimal health or those who are suffering damage from drugs, poor diet or bad genetics and wish to recover.

Healing the gut from harmful bacteria/inflammation/yeast overgrowth is part of the puzzle but not the end in itself. If you focus solely on that you will have spent 100% on one area ignoring the mental and hormonal side of things. There are neurotransmitter in the gut but you have to build them back up not just through treating the gut through ridding it of the bad guys you have to be on point with your diet and exercise and circulation.

Herbal cleanse worm killer cleanses anti biotic cleanses are a waste of time bro. Time you could spend jumping head first into a fast to reset your body before getting on a good diet that will promote good solid gut health where you won't have to worry about the boogey men biofilms floating in your tummy.

Just get on aboard and get off the merry go round of looking for extra things as that can become addicting in itself.