Hi everyone:

I have the same symptoms as you all do, but from a more unusual source (Arimistane). 7 months and counting. I just water fasted for three days but had to stop because its finals week and I am in graduate school. Currently running a paleo diet with intermittent fasting. After finals week, going to try a weeklong water fast then hit the books again.

I'm on tongkat and pine pollen and I just took half a tsp of the pine and a tiny bit of the tongkat. Right away, I got kind of warm and slightly turned on, but I'm attributing that to the placebo effect. Fingers crossed that this works. Worst case scenario, I shed some fat and end up eating healthier.

I'm currently 163 and 5'10 and 23. Pretty lean. I run, skateboard, and lift. I took arimistane for 14 days and it killed my libido, gave me ED, is making me pee often, anxiety, depression, tight sack, shrinkage, curvature, all that fun stuff + a little bit of gyno. Merry xmas to me. Anyways, I love the attitude in this forum, but I think I'm going to stop peeping it as often. I'll try to log in daily or every other day. It's actually really really hard for me to get off of these forums. I get very obsessive and no joke, I once spent three days in a row researching my symptoms and yours and all the possible cures. It's not a productive route and will only manifest more symptoms.

Good luck to us all. Let's fucking end this shit and be disciplined. I want to look back on this one day and know I overcame this a huge mental obstacle life threw at me. If you and I can overcome the depressive things that this condition has brought on, I know we can conquer more stuff down the road. I may not have taken finasteride, but I have the same symptoms as you all and might as well go all out with this.
