over the past 6 months, I was making progress. I was gaining some strength, and acutally built a small amount of muscle mass. My skin hadn't noticeably changed, butoverall I felt that I was in a better mental space. I started having constipation and bowel changes about 2 months ago, and it resulted in me having a sharp pain in my rectum while I was using the restroom. I had instant pain, numbness and tingling in my rectum. It felt like I was sitting on a golf ball for a week and I couldn't shit. I resorted to using small doses of laxatives and I had to do 2 enemas because I was freaking out. Well, it resulted in my digestive system and body crashing again. I lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks, and i'm currently 136 lbs. I lost all of the muscle I built, my skin got even worse (more elastic, saggy, and pale). My cognition and derealization got worse, my hair got more dry. I don't know if I disturbed my gut biome severely with the laxatives and enemas, but I've basically set myself back to square one. I am so devastated over this because I was finally starting to gain some semblance of normal again. I don't know what to do honestly.