Quote Originally Posted by Readytonut View Post
Quick question regarding the diet. There are foods that are technically paleo but could be contraproductive for the overall goal of healing from pfs.

Are bananas good to eat? They are fruits but they have high sugar/fructose content.
Same with dates or dried fruits? Could i blast myself with like 1000kcal of those fruit per day?

And is stuff like low fat curd cheese/quark allowed? They are dairy products but not in natural form and are processed.
I know on tmo it states that cheese and yogurt is allowed but the quark is a little more processed.

Nuts are explicitly allowed but is there a ranking which of them are healthier than the other? Walnuts vs peanut for example.
Analysis paralysis.

Are bananas fruit? Is fruit on the list of acceptable foods? There is your answer.

Are nuts on the list?

You need to get a solid outline down that you do DAILY for a few months before making individual tweaks to your diet. You're micro managing this to the point of ridiculousness. Again, get a couple months under your belt before fine tuning things like this.