Quote Originally Posted by Tampa_Man View Post
Well, I increased the dosage today to 7 and I will keep it for couples of days to see if it's "A SWEET SOPT" for me, and then will decide weither up it to 8 or keep it 7. Also, increased the Stand-Drol to 750, and will see after few days. I feel I will hit 900 in few days..

To be honest guys, I'm thinking of my next cycle, ofcourse after the PCT and the bloodwork, but I'm just saying.. what do you think I should run for bulking lean and drop fat??
I'd bump it up to 9 for 1 day and if you don't get any more effect from that, you may as well go back to six caps, but if it's better, try 8 and see how that compares.

Mechabol sounds appropriate for your goals and if you wanted to take it up a level, stack Trenazone with it.