Just a quick update, it'll be two weeks on my 6-week cycle of Super R-Andro Rx at 400mg ED, and the mental effects have been pretty awesome.

Some physical effects have been noted too, overall I'm pleased with it.

However, today I feel like the south end of a North-bound mule (compared to last week, not like a crash or anything). I don't know if given my altered PFS state that it should be expected still but I always thought that while taking a pro-hormone you'd be "on" at all times. The first day I took the product I felt like Superman, no shit. I've noticed that it kinda seems like my "up 4 down 2" upward recovery cycle has been accelerated while on this, almost like my recovery has been sped up, so that's a great thing! I'm hoping feeling off today is just part of that and nothing serious. Figured you guys could tell me better than anyone on that.

Oh well, either way I definitely suggest R-Andro. Badass product.

Can't wait to add IML's Dream N Grow as a once a week treat later this week!