Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
I would still go over and spend time with people and just not eat the pizza. I highly credit my ability to turn my mindstate around in the beginning to spending time with family and friends and just getting my mind off this bullshit for awhile.

Just my two cents.
Totally agreed. Well this particular person can be very negative, and along with the pizza, will also be drinking beer. And being negative as well. But normally i would go over! haha.

Had a similar incident with my friends about 2 weeks ago. My buddy was pushing me to drink. I said no. I just sat there, socialized, ate food (cheeseburger and hot dog with no bread), grapes, and just avoided the beer. My friend was fucking with me hard too that day. He really wanted me to drink. we always drank together, and did stupid shit. But i think it made him uncomfortable or ackward, because i wasnt drinking. But he knows about my plan, and what i have to do!