Well, yesterday my 6 week super r andro cycle came to an end. ran it from 400mg a day to 800mg a day, depending on the day. It didnt do anything for me. Nothing positive, nothing negative. Zero. But thats just me personally. Not bitching, whining, or badmouthing, etc. though. Just keeping my usual updates for myself and for everyone else.

Back to cycling the herbs again now.

I will be looking for the next related prohormone/anabolic/androgenic type of thing to cycle soon. It cant be just anything though, it needs to be something thats gonna convert the right way, and in a way thats beneficial for post-finasteride syndrome. I will not be looking to things like masteron, proviron, progesterone, DHT in straight up form, etc..., and all those other things that have been experimented with on forums like propeciahelp and other places for years. It has been proven that those types of things just make ppl worse in the end.

Whatever i choose to cycle, i will keep it updated and i will post here before i actually start something, just for feedback and safety reasons.