Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
Are you able to tolerate eggs? By far the most digestible source of protein you can eat. I would also strongly recommend you supplement with HCL to digest your protein. Protein digestion is one of the big issues that keeps you so skinny while flaring.

UC = low stomach acid in a lot of people. I first realized that my gut acidity was of when I puked and I realized that it didn't burn AT ALL. it should burn like hell.

This is a bit of a weird recommendation lol but I might recommend you make yourself throw up to see if it burns...if it doesn't burn like hell you NEED to supplement HCL. My weight is finally the highest its been in years after fixing this issue and eating eggs.
Thank you a lot for your help.
Eggs are fine with me and I do eat them a lot.Since I was at hospital for 1.5 months I was vomiting many times and no, I never had that burning sensation so I guess I miss acid, but at the moment I do not want to mess up too much with supplements etc since I am just out from that UC issue. They were ready to cut my gut man, I have UC since 20 years and never ever happened something like this to me.
I was vomiting 4 times per day, high fever all day and blood all over..!! And this hardcore situation has been going for 40 days long, non stop never!!!! I lost 0.5 Kg per day, I could not even stand up and walk since 1 month ago and I could even not move my arms and legs since I got deplenned, so I think I should take it step by step, I was close to die.
Thank you for your suggestions, they will help me!