my libido is probably about the same it was before. I go to sex clubs and I'm always the horniest most sex crazed if not like top 3-4 of the guys that go.

I like to nut like 1-2 times a day. Only thing is though my erection quality isn't always the bomb but I think it's because I damaged part of the base of my dick when this stupid girl fell back on my dick when on top. She could have totally avoided it but she's a dumby and thought it's okay to fall back on it to indicate that she's tired. She's also an asshole and won't even respond to my texts and is a total bitch lol. Wouldn't mind sueing her lmao. Thinking of using the bathmate again to maybe recover it from what I read online that spongey tissue isn't recoverable unless you do surgery right away and the doc I saw said just rest it and didn't recommend surgery.

I do think the bathmate works directly by working on the spongey tissue though so might be worth a shot!

one of the signs of this is that when I use cialis I'm a fucking beast so I think my libido is high just my erections sometimes without it are like 80%