Quote Originally Posted by Comewhatmay View Post
Hey lads

Been a while since I last updated and I feel I may have done some stupid stuff

For my birthday last month I did have some cake which was fine and then I ended up having more than I should and I felt bad, some anxiety and insomnia came back but it cleared up in less than a week. I was feeling really good and got back to the baslonr I was at and realised that I had a false sense of where i was at with my journey.

Moving on this past week I backloaded with haagen dazs, like a fifth of a tub, during the night and on the Tuesday I felt fine going to sleep a did it again the following night however when going to sleep I felt very jittery and uncomfortable and only managed 4 to 5 hours instead of my usually minimum of 7. I workout in the mornings so I do understand that it isn't optimum for backloading

I feel my sensivity to insulin is now gone to shit as I usually have a banana and clementine after my eggs breakfast which has never been an issue but now it's causing that feeling to come back aswell as some mild kidney pain

I assume I have to give up the fruits now and the back loading aspect which is fine as I caused it but is there anything recommended like a short water fast or is it just a case of following the protocol as I have been minus the sugary stuff

You don't need to take out the fruit, which is one of the healthiest things you can eat. You need to take out the cake and the garbage which set you back making you feel like shit and throwing things off a bit. when you make those decisions, you always have to pay the piper, one way or the other. So live with the consequences of that decision.

And you don't have to give up backloading. You just have to change your dietary choices. That's it. Your insulin sensitivity hasn't gone to shit from one mistake.