Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
I live a healthy lifestyle dude. I get sun every day, I get some form of exercise every day, I eat well, I do breathing, meditation, etc. I have had zero improvements anywhere. Very few guys I've come across over 2 and a half years have had the types of physical changes i've had. 5 or less. I'm not eating ice cream and bullshit complaining that i'm not getting any better. I don't take cold showers because I'm freezing all of the time as it is and I don't use the bathmate because my rubbery dick and zero libido is the least of my concerns. I don't sprint and do HIIT because I can do body weight exercises and be fucked up like I have the flu and be unfunctional the rest of the day. The herb rotation, sun exposure, elimination of phytoestrogens in all forms, breathing, meditation, etc. I've done it for over a year consistently. Nothing about my body or cognition has changed. I was looking for some quick advice about the R andro cycle because it is my last hoo-rah before I call it quits. I refuse to live another 2-3 years this way before it happens anyways. If the program is giving you benefits, then i'm very happy to hear it. It's not the same on my end.
Hey bud I’m glad to see you’re still kicking. I really get it man, I know you’re one of the severe cases as you know I am as we’ve talked, my advise is do the protocol, jump on the prohormones for a month or 2, take a couple months off to rebound your hormones, jump on another cycle, rinse and repeat. I know exactly where you’re coming from, and the cycles are the thing that helped me the most, doing everything else in tandem is extremely important, but without the cycles I think I would have still been neurologically destroyed. Do a few of them, and you’ll slowly start to improve, no doubt about it, count on it my friend. You’ll be doing better in no time.

I used to get kinda mad reading stories about people with low libido bitching that they’re life was over, while I was completely fucked in every aspect. You’re right to feel that way. I remember just a year ago I wouldn’t sprint because it would make me so much worse, cold showers made me feel horrible, life was fucking hell. It REALLY gets better man, don’t even sweat it. But as for my opinion, YES jump on the fucking hormones. Read all my threads about my cycles, they are there to serve you. I documented everything to make sure guys who are in the trenches, like I was, know exactly what to expect. Get on it my friend