Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
Did you do anything specific for liver health during recovery? I’ve been starting to think liver toxicity is a big part of this. I just started TUDCA. But I feel a little weird, also noticed I began dreaming more frequently.
Not specifically besides the juice fast and abstaining from alcohol really. I took TUDCA after my first cycle of R Andro for a month or so, so maybe that helped some. Post-PFS, I started doing liver flushes. I really recommend these, I have no gallbladder so I always have issues in this area relative to digestion and bile flow. It's the Andreas Moritz one, and you can do one about once/twice a month. CD doesn't list them on the protocol but there's no reason why it wouldn't work while on it - just malic acid, olive oil, and Epsom salts.