Tried the black ant extract today. Seemed to give me a SLIGHT increase in libido, and a BIG increase in energy.

I just worked a full day today... 8 hours with no break. We got a big rush today, and it didnt even seem to effect me... i could just keep going, and going and going. I felt a little tired when i got home, after being on my feet all day, but i think the ant extract gave me the boost of energy. Now ive been home for about an hour, and im not tired anymore. On top of it, i was well rested, and had my cup of coffee in the morning. Normally i reach a point and just burn out.. but i think the ant extract helped me! =)

Gonna take a break from this blog. I will update it later. I seem to have way more posts on my blog, than other people have on their blogs. But the truth is, after everything ive been through, and what propecia has done to me, this forum is pretty much a sanctuary for me. Way more than garbage places like facebook, youtube, etc. I find it very helpful while dealing with PFS for one to limit his time on facebook, youtube, and just all the mindless garbage you see online. Its really just the same shit over and over again. Try to get out more, and be more productive. I also think its a good time to just simply shut everything off (laptop, cellphone, etc) a little while before heading to bed. Clear your mind from all the garbage, and just get relaxed and focus on your sleep. Its helped me in the past before too.