Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
doing pretty well. overall 85-90% just have some lingering issues -> wake up once or twice a night, libido/erections not fully where it used to be (but was able to fuck twice in span of 3 hours monday night), face not completely leaned out (but I also put on a bit of weight cuz being 8% bf I feel is a bit hardcore year round, im probably 10-12 now) , hole in head feeling, energy not as high as it used to (also drinking less caffeine then I used to though)

I wake up with very hard erections like 80% of mornings and I attribute this to using the bathmate now 3x a week. Can't wait to see what it's like on my next prohormone cycle. picked up 5 bottles of r andro. Gunna start march 17th. Bam chiki wam wam
Yeah bathmate!

I knew you would like it once you got the hang of it. And as you can see, the benefits accumulate, much like health accumulates on this protocol. What is your current pumping routine? Maybe I can give you some pointers if necessary....