This breathwork has really helped me out alot. I honestly dont even give a shit about my "symptoms" anymore. Im working on meditating too. A good friend of mine whom i grew up with, sent me a bunch of text messages, breaking down the process of how to actually meditate, so im gonna be trying that later on today.

Im not over analyzing and thinking about my symptoms too much. I honestly dont even give a shit as much. Breathing has helped out so much!!! I still feel good otherwise. But at the same time, that doesn't mean i dont want my sexual function to come back. It's still my top priority, but it feels good to have some relief, and to not have all this anxiety over it anymore. I suppose the anxiety will come and go, with the ups and downs, but im feeling better.

I've paid my dues. I dont have the old worries anymore. The stupid ass fucking worries of "oh, am i doing this wrong? or am i doing that wrong?" I am finally past that beginning stage/initial learning curve of where you think "you're not doing it right" type of shit. I know i am doing it all 100% naturally. I could do a little bit better on the avoiding xenoestrogens chemicals. Im gonna look into buying products by a brand called "TOM'S". I heard toms was a good brand as far as avoiding negative chemicals. Im not paying $50-$80 for toothpaste and soap. And i shouldnt have to either.