Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
It's payday again!

Im ready to order R andro. By the time it arrives it will be week 8. In the meantime, i am an extremely healthy, energetic, really fit guy who gets out of bed every single morning and grabs life by the balls each and every day. Everything just gets better. (Except for the sexual which has stayed the exact same.) I dont think i ever had any gut issues, but even my digestive system is the best its ever been. I can pound down alot of calories/protein/carbs, everything else, and almost have zero gas, zero bloating etc. All within the paleo realm too. I usually goto the gym or do HIIT on an empty stomach, with a herb and black coffee. I usally dont eat my first meal until about 4 hours after i get out of bed. I space my meals out better these days too. I had a high caloric intake for the last decade, before the protocol, and made muscular gains, but my digestive function was complete shit compared to how great it is now. Sleep is good too most of the time. I also literally look like a middleweight/light-heavyweight bodybuilder.

I wanted to ask someone on the forum, where can i order this product? Cdsnuts has the link for it in a sticky, but whenever i clicked on it, it shows nothing. I want to get it from a legit source. I dont mind paying an extra $20 for it, because i want it to be the right stuff and legit.

Now that the time has come, im actually slightly nervous. Not a bad thing, but you know. I dont mind losing my hair, as long as i make sexual progress with it. I hope i can at least get an increased baseline. That will give me some encouragement.

Its all been said before, so im not going to bitch and whine. I just really hope to get some sexual ground from this, because the herbs always didnt do too much for me, like they do for many others. And this training game, and sprints, ive always done this stuff, so it feels like the same old road at times. Only now i do it protocol style.

I could care less about more muscle gain at this point. i already have more than enough muscle. The sexual is the main thing. But i also might post some pics of how my physique is coming along.
Sexual progress for me came slow and didn't completely heal (libido) until the very end. Relax.....don't rush it or expect it to improve just because you're on cycle for the first time.