Quote Originally Posted by Brazilianguy View Post
Guys, I was thinking about buying Maca Root but I found powder and pills which one is better?

Do you guys take it everyday? I ask it because some people say that you need to take everyday since its a superfood.
Does it contain coffee or any stimulant? I can't handle them yet.
Do you guys notice it increasing your balls or is it just a natural viagra?

I bought it once but from a terrible brand and really cheap and I felt nothing. I'm taking tribulus once every two weeks because that's the way I feel more of the benefits. I'm thinking about taking it together only once every 2 weeks or maybe maca everyday or I don't know one week I take maca and the other tribulus.

If you guys take too much maca, do you guys feel anxious or worse? I ask it because when I take 2 pills of tribulus I get terrible anxiety, depression and I get a crash later.

Thank you guys, please when you post try to put a lot of details and information
I like the powder better because you can dose higher. I use like 7.5 grams in smoothies. CD recommends using it daily as it's a food. IF i'm not recovered after two years on protocol though I'll likely just cycle it once a week like basementdweller is saying to save money cause I don't really notice a difference using it chronically and kinda expensive though it's cheaper than most other herbs. I also recommend gelatanized nad make sure it's BLACK maca (the one proven to help males) the other ones might actually even be estrogenic. gelatanized helps absorption and reduce anti-nutrients.