Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
Seems so!! It really is that fucking powerful! I love it!

My veins have been disappearing lately and its pissing me off. I always had some crazy veins. I think im slightly allergic to pine pollen powder, and especially the high daily doses of it. A few times in the beginning, about 2 weeks ago, i would take a hit of it, (like i do all of my other herbs), and it would almost cause me to get slight congestion and a stuffy nose. Im contemplating stopping it again for now. It personally hasnt helped me sexually or in any other why. I dont know why. I will say from reading the boards, it definitely helps alot of other guys tremendously. Most likely, 90% of men who try pine pollen powder will get great benefits from it. Maybe its my genetic makeup.

Personally, i still like the other herbs, and the 1-herb-a-day cycling regimen. I think its better for me personally. I never stopped that either. Im up to 13 now.

Despite seemingly zero progress on the sexual end, what honestly works best for me is getting a good nights sleep, cold showers, gym, HIIT sprints, good music, breathing/meditation, not overworking the digestive system, clean paleo diet, carb backloading, sun exposure, caffeine, etc. and other natural things like that. However, my sexual function has not gone backwards, either.

I am literally one week away from super andro rx. i basically have my old physique and levels/numbers back almost. this training game aint nothing new to me!
good to hear the progress man, just wanted to give you some of my experience with training- everyone's different of course but just something to consider.

I used to work out too much without really realizing it. I'd feel good and only go for an hour 4/5 times a week, but it was just too much for my body looking back. if you don't feel bad that's a good sign, but I definitely pushed myself too much at times and that can be super counter productive, especially in this time of recovery when we need it most.